授業の計画や内容、成績評価方法などを明記したものです。学生や教員が授業を行うための指針として用いられます。シラバスの主な内容には、次のようなものがあります。授業の目的や到達目標、授業内容や方法、授業計画、 成績評価方法や基準。シラバスは、学生と教員との間で授業計画を共有する「契約書」のような役割を果たしています。シラバスの語源はラテン語で、日本では明治時代に「教授要目」と翻訳されて言葉として定着しました。
Medical students
1. Epidemiology as a medical science.Subject of epidemiology, its goals, tasks, relation to other disciplines, its importance. Methods – descriptive, analytical, experimental, mathematical modeling.
2. Infectious process . Characteristics – degree of epidemiological significance of the forms of infectious process.
3. Epidemiological process – definition, basic links of spreading of infection, forms of infection occurrence, depending on intensity and extent occurrence of infectious diseases.
4. Source of infection: level of infection , the patient –contagious period, epidemic importance. Zoonoses.
5. Source of infection: level of infection , the carrier of infection-the elements in a carrier state,classification by type and duration, importance. Zoonoses.
6. Mechanism (mode) of transmission of infection – phases, types. Vehicles of transmission. Routes for Spread of Infectious Disease
7. Classification of infectious diseases (criteria).
8. Vehicles of transmission of disease: water, food, objects. Importance.
9. Vehicles of transmission of disease:soil,air. Importance.
10. Vehicles of transmission of disease: Vector-borne diseases. Main vectors (mosquitoes ticks, fleas) and diseases they transmit. Importance.
1. 医学としての疫学。疫学の対象、その目的、課題、他の学問分野との関係、その重要性、方法 – 記述的、分析的、実験的、数学的モデリング
2. 感染プロセス、特徴 – 感染プロセスの形態の疫学的重要性の程度
3. 疫学的プロセス – 定義、感染拡大の基本的なリンク、感染症の発生の強度と範囲に応じた感染発生の形態
4. 感染源:感染レベル、患者の感染期間、流行の重要性、人獣共通感染症
5. 感染源:感染レベル、感染キャリア(キャリア状態の要素)、タイプと期間による分類、重要性、人獣共通感染症
6. 感染伝播のメカニズム(モード) – 段階、タイプ、伝達手段、感染症の拡大経路
8. 病気の伝染媒体:水、食物、物体、重要性
9. 病気の伝染媒体:土壌、空気、重要性
10. 病気の伝染媒体:媒介動物による病気、主な媒介動物(蚊、ダニ、ノミ)とそれらが媒介する病気、重要性
1 – Epidemiology as a medical science. Subject of epidemiology, its goals, tasks, relation to other disciplines, its importance. Methods – descriptive, analytical, experimental, and mathematical modelling
Epidemiology as a medical science; its goals, tasks, relation to other disciplines, and its importance
Definition = an independent branch of medicine studying etiology and spreading of infectious diseases in a human community and is aimed at prevention, control, and final eradication of these diseases
• Classical epidemiology = the study of the determinants and distribution of disease in populations
• Clinical epidemiology = the study and application of epidemiology principles and methods to the clinical setting
• General epidemiology = studies the laws of distribution of infectious diseases among people (characteristics of sources of infection, the mechanism of transmission, susceptibility to infection and the like) and the general principles of prevention and control of these diseases
• Special epidemiology = studies epidemiologic characteristics of each particular infectious disease and the methods to prevent and control it
Epidemiology studies the triad of parasites, macroorganisms and the environment
Aims of epidemiology:
• Describe the distribution, the pattern, and the natural history of disease in the general population
• To identify factors that may be causal in a disease process, and to evaluate strategies for the control, management, and prevention of a disease
• The ultimate aim = eliminate/eradicate infections w/in the population
Tasks of epidemiology in public health practice = public health surveillance, filed investigation, analytic studies, evaluation, linkages, and policy development
Methods – descriptive
• It aims to determine the incidence of the disease, the risk factors, and its medico-social significance and to formulate the hypothesis for the possible prevention and control measures
• Characteristics = no intervention; instead, patients are observed and the clinical course of the disease is studied; the observations are used to form a hypothesis
• It usually involves determination of incidence, prevalence, and mortality rates for diseases in large population groups, according to basic group characteristics
• Incidence study = used to determine the incidence of a particular event in a population during a certain time period; usually performed as cohort studies in order to compare the incidence of an event (e.g. disease) between 2 groups
• Correlation study = the unit of analysis is the entire population; any conclusions drawn can only be applied to the entire population and not to an individual; helps to form hypotheses but can’t be used to test them (e.g. a study to look at the correlation between wine consumption of death due to CVS disease)
• Case report = a report of a disease presentation, treatment, and outcome in a single subject/event; -ve = lack of generalisability and it can’t assess causality
• Case series report = a report of a disease course or response to treatment that is compiled by aggregating several similar patient cases; -ve = selection bias and can’t assess causality; e.g. collecting and examining several cases of pericarditis at a local hospital
• Ecological study = a study that assesses links between exposure and an outcome, typically used if the outcome is rare
• Cross-sectional study = a study that determines the prevalence of exposure and disease at a specific point in time
Methods – analytical
These are studies attempting to explain the disease. They establish causal relationship between risk factors and morbidity to test and evaluate hypotheses about risk factors
• Randomised controlled trials (RCTs; interventional studies) (gold standard) = aim to determine the possible effect of a specific intervention on a given population; patients are randomly allocated as either treatment or control subjects; it minimises bias and can demonstrate causality but is expensive and time consuming and can’t be used to evaluate rare diseases
• Cohort study = aim to study the incidence rate and whether exposure is associated w/the outcome of interest; it examines a large population over a long period of time and determines how one exposure leads to multiple outcomes
Methods – experimental
• A method of simulation of epidemic process of lab animals, and in rare cases on humans, if the given infection does not threaten life
• Experimental animals are usually divided into 2 groups = experimental and monitoring (control)
• The aim is to prove/refute the hypothesis about risk factors
Methods – mathematical modelling = method of prognostication of morbidity
• Intensive indices characterise the distribution of a given infection
• Morbidity (incidence/sick rate) = the ratio of diseased during a given period of time to the n.o of residents of a given city/country during the same period
• Mortality (death rate) = the n.o of dead expressed by a coefficient per 100,000 of adult population and 10,000 of children
• Lethality = the % of the dead due to the given infection. The lethality index is used to estimate severity of infection and efficacy of treatment
• Incubation period = the interval between the entry of a pathogen into the body and the appearance of the 1st clinical symptom(s)
• Prodrome = a collection of early signs and symptoms that precede other characteristic findings of a condition
著作権©️ 株式会社EUROSTUDY 代表取締役 宮下隼也 Junya Miyashita M.D.